Saturday, 5 April 2014

Kettlebell Training

Everyone agrees that fitness is good. It boosts your health, brightens your soul, calms your mind, and allows you to do more with your life.

My favorite fitness tools are kettlebells because they combine strength, flexibility and cardiovascular training all in one easy to use exercise workout.
If you haven't seen or heard of these, kettlebells are large cast-iron ball-shaped weights with a single handle.

History of Kettlebell training is long and extensive.Kettlebells have long been used as a dynamic tool to develop strength and endurance for centuries. Their origin is still a matter of speculation, but archaeological records show evidence of their use in Ancient Greece. Russia prides themselves on their use and application of kettlebell training in national and military training and education.

They are suitable for both men and women and for all fitness levels. From my own experience and whilst using different gym equipment, I have noticed the fastest and most noticable results with kettlebells. Girls don't get bulky, as the muscles get leaner, longer, and more defined all at the same time.

Why should you be using Kettlebells?

Because of its obvious benefits and advantages! Some of the benefits of using Kettlebells are:
  • Increased endurance
  • Rapid fat loss
  • Muscular strength without the added bulk
  • Increased core stability
  • Full-body workout
  • Stronger back
  • Rehabilitated shoulders
  • Flexibility
  • Mental toughness
  • Decreased musculoskeletal pain
  • Twice the results in half the time you would spend at the gym

Full Length Kettlebell Workout Routine – 30 Minutes

You can do standard weight training exercises with kettlebells such as: bench presses, curls, and rows. However, the unique value of kettlebells is derived from ballistic (fast exercise) work such as: snatches, swings, cleans, and jerks. Apart from written instructions, feel free to check out the videos from YouTube with some helpful tips.

Important to know before we start our 30 min Kettlebell training:

  • Start the movement by pushing the hips backwards
  • Keep the weight on your heels and outside of the feet
  • Imagine you are in ski boots
  • Widen the feet if you have mobility issues
  • Feet turned out to approx 10 degrees
  • Thighs must get to at least parallel with the floor
  • Push the floor away from you on your way up
  • Keep the back flat, chest up and look up
  • Breathe in, hold and descend, breathe out on the way up

Around the World - 20 Reps in each direction

Stand nice and tall with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, and swing the Kettlebell around your body, passing it from hand to hand in a wide circle around your body to make the rotation. Go as quickly or slowly as you need to.

Kettlebell Figure 8’s (14 Reps in each direction)

Just like it sounds, you’re going to make a figure 8 around your legs. Focus on throwing the Kettlebell from hand to hand with your fingers facing towards one another. It’s a catching motion more than it is a passing-off. Start slowly with this exercise and speed the motion up once you become more confident.

Kettlebell Swing - 20 Reps

This is the ultimate and most popular kettlebell exercise. It's an overall whole body conditioning. 

- Stand with your feet roughly 1.5 times your shoulder width, and toes pointing slightly outwards.
- Squat down with your back completely straight and lift up the weight.
- Go into a deep squat and use the power of your legs to drive the weight up to about shoulder height. Your shoulders will also be working to control the movement of the weight. Make sure that your back stays flat during this exercise.

Double-handed Kettlebell Swing-  20 Reps

-Hold onto the weight with both hands, palms facing in towards your body. Go into a deep squat and use the power of your legs to drive the weight up to about shoulder height. Your shoulders will also be working to control the movement of the weight.

Apart from these variations, you can also perform one-handed kettlebell swing and alternating swings (20 repeptitions each).
They are self explanatory and easy to do. Make sure the starting and finishing position is same as for the single and double-handed kettlebell swings. 

Kettlebell Cleans – 14 Reps on each Side

Keeping your back flat, use the force from your legs to drive the Kettlebell upwards so that it lands on the outside of your forearm & bicep. Let it rest there just briefly before you drop it right back down for another rep. This one is great for your glutes, biceps, and shoulders.

Kettlebell Halos – 10 in each Direction: 

Hold onto the outside of the handle and bring it from one shoulder, behind your head, back down to the front of the opposite shoulder (making a halo shape). As soon as you reach the opposite side of your body, go back the other direction to end up where you started. Keep an even pace and keep the “halo” circle relative small and tight around your body.

Straight Leg Dead Lifts – 20 Reps: 

Keep a perfectly flat back and your legs straight. Use a slow and controlled motion to tip forward, so that the weight hangs dead a few inches from the ground, and then squeeze your glutes to come back up to a standing position. You will feel this predominately in your glutes and your lower back.

Squat Curls – 14 Reps: 

Dip into a deep squat, curling the Kettlebell at the bottom of the motion. Come back up from the squat, and let the weight hang as you extend your arms again. This is great for the upper body (particularly the biceps), the glutes, and thighs.

Bent Over Rows – 14 Repetitions on each Side: 

Again, you need a straight back for this one, aiming to keep your upper body parallel to the ground.

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